Friday, November 21, 2014

Who Knew Meema Was a Hottie and Such an Exhibitionist, Too?

An Apology to Generations Yet Unborn:

     Let me say for my entire generation that I'm really, really, really so very, very, very sorry for all those millions of selfies we took. I know, we could have spent our time so much more wisely.
      In all the time we wasted doing selfies at every new restaurant we went to and with every new friend we met -- not to mention, documenting every somewhat-significant moment of our lives, like breakfast, lunch, and dinner for decades on end -- we could have been learning Sanskrit, Mandarin, how to fix our dysfunctional government, and still had time to watch dozens of cute cat videos.
      And ohmyGod, how stupid did we look? Am I right? Yes, yes, I know our hairstyles were weird, and our clothes were way weirder. And yes, we showed a lot more skin than we should've.
      Way too much information, I know, tell me about it. Who knew meema was such a hottie and such an exhibitionist, too?
      You see, selfies just sort of got out of hand with your grandmothers, grandfathers, great uncles, great aunts, cousins twice removed, and, with even, Presidents and megastars getting in on it.
      I don't know what it was exactly. Maybe it was the combination of a cellphone and a camera. You see, we had never seen that before. As you probably already guessed, our lives were really very boring, and we were, to be honest, kinda stupid. And I admit, we sorta overdid it. But I hope you can see your way to forgive us.
      Of course, maybe you shouldn't be too hard on us. Selfies were just something we all did in the second decade of the twentieth-first century, like earlier generations' fads – swallowing goldfish, packing into phone booths, tripping out on acid for a couple of decades.
      Remember, you are fortunate enough to live in the future where you have 20-20 hindsight. I do hope you can forgive us what must seem to you as our abysmal ignorance and mind-boggling stupidity.
      But, remember, the truth is that all of us, including you, future people, are prisoners of our own stupid eras and their fashions that inevitably look so unfashionable only a few short years later.
      Sorry for that, too. And, by the way, I'm sorry for all the weird, quickly becoming wrinkly body art on your grandparents, unless you like that sort of thing and then you should thank us. Really.